Visual Design Techniques to Improve Your Conversion Rates
Not sure which font to choose? Go with Helvetica. It’s the vanilla of fonts – you can never go wrong. To read up a bit more on how font conveys messages, check out this infograpahic titled “The Psychology Of Font Choices,” from the Cambridge Marketing College. 1. Take Advantage of Captions and Call Outs: While […]
5 Things to Know When Conducting Consumer Research
Are the rules of marketing changing as we know it? In an article written earlier this year for Business 2 Community, Bryan Kramer, President and CEO of PureMatter a full service marketing agency in Silicon Valley, wrote “There Is No More B2B Or B2C: It’s Human To Human, H2H.” These words have never been truer […]
Why Your Sales Tools Aren’t Working
Think your marketing department has set your sales team up for success? Think again. According to an oft-cited study conducted by the American Marketing Association, 90% of the sales tools created for sales teams aren’t even touched. And the number one reason noted by sales professionals: Sales tools provided by marketing just aren’t effective. In […]
5 Important Questions to Consider When Launching A New Product
There are so many things to consider when launching a new product; it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Plus, it’s understandable to be excited about all of the features and details of your product. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort out the things that potential customers want to know from the technical details. When you’re launching a […]
The Crucial Importance of Design
Design has separated from production in the development of most B2B sales tools and samples. This separation has resulted in a very tactical application of design to the production process. The results are often sub-par performance and even failure of those tools and samples to convert sales leads into customers. Why design is important Design is […]
Are Your Sales Tools On a Quota?
You put your salespeople on a quota and expect them to perform, are you pleased? Yet everyday new sales tools and samples are being developed and their effectiveness is never (or rarely) monitored. To make sure that you are effectively utilizing your sales tools and samples, you need to put in place clear measurements and […]
The Importance of Testing
How effective will your sales tools be long-term? When selling a product, it’s important to create effective sales tools that demonstrate the qualities that set your product apart and make it the best option for your customers. But it’s not simply a matter of having samples of your product to show them. Good sales tools […]
Connecting With Customers
Are you considering the right questions when selling to customers? The question companies tend to ask when trying to target customers is, “How can we get the customer to buy what we’re selling?” That’s the wrong question, though. The question you really should be asking is, “How can we sell what the customer is buying?” Selling your products isn’t […]
Why “What’s the Competition Doing” is the Wrong Question
You’re looking for a new approach to your sales: something that will give you that extra edge. Your leading competitor has had tremendous success with a certain type of sales tool. It looks like a pretty good approach, and it’s leading to a lot of sales for them. Maybe you should adopt that same sales […]
Staying Connected Through Channels
One of the most important aspects of selling a product is to stay connected with your customers. Keep in touch with what they need, so that you can provide it to them. But not everyone sells directly to the end customer. A lot of times, you’re selling to a retail chain. In that case, their needs […]