Connecting With Customers

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Are you considering the right questions when selling to customers? The question companies tend to ask when trying to target customers is, “How can we get the customer to buy what we’re selling?” That’s the wrong question, though. The question you really should be asking is, “How can we sell what the customer is buying?” Selling your products isn’t […]

Why “What’s the Competition Doing” is the Wrong Question

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You’re looking for a new approach to your sales: something that will give you that extra edge. Your leading competitor has had tremendous success with a certain type of sales tool. It looks like a pretty good approach, and it’s leading to a lot of sales for them. Maybe you should adopt that same sales […]

Staying Connected Through Channels

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One of the most important aspects of selling a product is to stay connected with your customers. Keep in touch with what they need, so that you can provide it to them. But not everyone sells directly to the end customer. A lot of times, you’re selling to a retail chain. In that case, their needs […]

Differentiating Commodity Products

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Have you ever heard the old adage, “Show, don’t tell”? It can be applied to a lot of things, but it’s particularly applicable to your brand and products. One of your jobs is to show your potential customers why your product is the best on the market, and why it’s worth buying over your competitors’ […]

Defining Your Brand

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Every company is different — or at least they should be. If your products are just the same as those of your competitors, then there’s no reason for customers to buy yours instead of theirs. Therefore, one of the most important things in sales is to define your brand: make it clear to your customers […]

Why “What’s Your Budget?” is the Wrong Question

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Congratulations! You’ve finally decided that a sales kit to help you display and sell your products is a worthwhile investment. You want to get something that will show what you have to offer and set yourself apart from the competition. Now, what’s your budget for these sales kits? Nope. Already you’ve asked the wrong question. […]

When 10x The Price Is The Lowest Cost

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What kind of sales tools do you need to help you demonstrate your product effectively? All too often, the response to that question is, “What kind of sales tools do we have the budget for?” But if you go in with that mentality, you’ll only end up shooting yourself in the foot. Your “budget” should […]

Virtual Presentations Talk The Talk, Tangible Sales Tools Walk The Walk

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The world around us is becoming increasingly digital. From chatting with friends to finding information, everything we used to do face to face is now done on a computer screen. And that includes shopping. You’ve probably ordered products from Amazon and eBay for years. It’s even possible to make major purchases online, such as cars […]

Great Presentations through History

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Aldous Huxley, an acclaimed sci-fi novelist, philosopher, and intellectual, once said, “The more you see, the more you know.” And it’s true. While it’s possible to describe, in words, an entire process, story, or set of instructions, it’s the act of letting an audience see things for themselves that really drives a point home and […]

Selling Commodity Products

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What makes your product stand out? What makes your customers choose it over the products of your competitors? The price? It shouldn’t be. There are so many other, more important things to focus on when selling commodity products. Bidding Wars Having the lowest price can be a great selling point, whether you’re selling directly to […]